So, the exceptionally wise company Purina selected a photo of me to compete. I'm not sure what I'm competing for, but if you like the picture below of me you can vote for it by clicking this link or the afore mentinoned photo. As you can see, I'm looking at an especially cute picture of me. A vote for me supports world cuteness!!!!

I thought I was exceptionally WISE -
BTW, I pawed fur woo earlier today!
Voting is so cool! I did it for you, Great Woo!
And we always support more world cuteness, so of course we have voted
Woooos Turbo! We will go vote fur woo now, just because woo are cute!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I just voted (again) and you are way in front of the competition Tubey. I wonder if you'll get something good for winning?
We voted fur woo. Your pic is the first one up - does that mean woo are #1? In the contest, of course woo are #1 in our book!
jack a-roo & miss moo
Of course I voted for you Unkey Tubey! I even had my mom vote at her work! You are still in first place! I am voting every day!
Khady Lynn
You've got our vote! Cheers from the blog hop, it's nice to meet you!
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