
As I mentioned in my last post, Tierre tagged me to list 7 things about me...
1. Meepie, Lex, and Fargo are all irritated at me. For some reason they don't like my attitude. They are all stupid!
2. I like walking on my Human. Especially when she's in bed. I like using her body as if it's a balancing beam.
3. I prefer to be near my Human than running around with the others in the big field. Sure, I'll run around in it for a while, but I'll go back in the house to be near my Human.

4. I live in a house in the country. A animal rescue group houses some of their cats out here. They have several in foster care, but some of them live here too. I don't get to see them, but I can sometimes smell them.
5. I usually don't like in between meal snacks.
6. I sleep on the bed with my Human more than the others. Sometimes Roo Roo does and sometimes Meepie does. Fargo will sleep on the couch with my Human, but he says the bed is too high for him.
7. Although I'm not particularly destructive, I do like stealing the oven mitt if my Human is careless with it. (She usually isn't.)