My Human is once again a member of the Working Group. Thanks to all of your positive thoughts she is once again employed. She got the job that she was hoping for. More money for dog food and less hours away from us. It's a perfect situation.
We will miss being able to run around in the big field and dig as much as we want to. But I'm sure my Human will let us run around and dig when she's home from work.

Also this job will not require her to work weekends and she won't be on call either. My Human is one happy human today!
I've noticed the past few days that the stupid Internet Explorer won't let us get into Blogger or see our personalized Google page. So, We're using Firefox. It's better anyway.
Congrats to your human for becoming one of the working class again!! It's a good thing to be able to buy lots of dog food and dog treats, and dog toys, and all that dog related stuff. Cuz really, we are what it's all about!
It is especially nice she will be home on weekends. I know we really like that cuz then we get to do fun things with our humans!
As I always say, The more treats the better! So I'm glad your human found a good job!
Congrats to your human, Tubey! That's cool that she'll be home with you on weekends!!! Ha ROO!
Play bows,
Oh is a working human awful? My dad works but mom is talking about going to work. She hasn't worked since she's had me so I am sure I won't know what to do.
Woo Woo Congrats to the mom for getting the job! And having your weekends together is a BONUS!!! Hugs to you handsome Tubey!
Congrates on the good news of your human working again. More treats and toys for you then. ;)
~ fufu
Congrats to your human! More money means more good stuff for you guys. And more time at home - bonus!
Congrats to your human on the new job Tubey. Hope she is able to buy you lots of treats,
Puppy Kisses, Sooky
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