The lovely and talented Pippen of Pippin's Gentle Blog tagged me. Here's what this game is about: You go to your computer archives and then go to the 6th folder and pick the 6th picture and then post it along with the story behind it.
Look! It was all of us at the time, sort of:

Rooie is in the left side of the picture. Fargo is on the carpet, closest to Rooie. I'm using Fargo's leg as a pillow. Part of Lex is in the upper right corner. Meepie's hiney and snooter is in the lower right corner.
I don't know why my Human took this picture. Perhaps it was a poor attempt to get all 5 of us in the picture. Or, more likely, she just thought I looked cute resting my head on Fargo.
Now I'm tagging 6 bloggers:
My cousin Sitka, niece Cornelia Marie, and their cat (who I'm not related to)
Holly, my niece Khady Lynn, and the rest of the pack
Ender the Eskie
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Woo to one and all!
Tank woo fur making me one of your it's!
I'll do that one 'soon'!
Nice pikh and tank woo fur identifying the subjekht matter!
PeeEssWoo: Verifikhation word: arkstic
I am wondering how you all managed to nearly get in the photo in the first place. Well done to your human for her attempt.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
It's an "almost" getting everyone in!
Great shot! Our mom has to bribe us with cookies or snow to get all of us in a picture!
Tail wags,
Thanks for the tag Unkey Tubey... we will get right on this game!
Puppy Woos,
Cornelia Marie
Thats a good picture!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We tell our humans that need a wide angle lens to get a picture of all of us sprawled out in the den, so we understand!
Our Mom has lots of pictures like that too! she tries but not successful most of the time! But you certainly look happy!
Thor and Marco Polo
That's a great picture...even if we can't see all of all of you! Merry Christmas to you and your hoomans!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
hey hey tubey! i liked your pickture... it just looks so homey and lovey and everydog togethery.
luv ivy
WOO Tubey - that was pretty good! The pic showed all of what mattered, right?
WOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
We love the expression on Rooie's face.
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce
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