TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I apologize to all of you who have been waiting anxiously for my 1,000th blog post. I could give you all sorts of excuses, but that's not the Turbo Way. So, I'm moving on. And speaking of moving, we are all officially moved into our new house on the shores of Lake Tubey. My Human had to get Summiiiiiiii's Mummiiiiiiiii to help her get these photos of me looking magnicent yesterday:

I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for taking time occasionally to read my blog. When I started it back at the end of February 2006, I never would have thought that I'd do this many posts and make this many blogging friends.

Now, in celebration, cheese & bacon for all!


D.K. Wall said...

Congratulations on number 1000! What an awesome achievement. We are still a couple of hundred away.

And we are demanding the cheese and bacon now, though the hu-dad insists it is his and to back off.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Woo do look simply Tuberiffikh!

It is inkhredible to think of all the change woo've been responsible fur since FebROOary of 2006

Keep it going!

Khyra Your Running Mate
PeeEssWoo: Maybe this will help Summiii get his blog bakhk on the trail!

Ruby Bleu said...

Congrats Turbo!!!! You look soooo handsome standing by your lake. I wish I had my own lake...I only have a pool.

Oh and cheese and bacon...my favs!!!! Dinner will be fantastic tonight!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Donna said...

A message from Demon Flash Bandit and his Mom.......
Conpawtulations Turbo. We love the photos of you by Lake Tubey. Cheese and bacon is the greatest award a dog can achieve, and you are willing to share....you are a great pal!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Turbo!

And may I say, you do look rather regal by your lake.

No bacon for me, thanks, but I will indulge in the cheese part of the celebration!


Simcha said...

Congrats to woooo!

Anonymous said...

WOO Turbo, we are furry jealous of your lake. Heck, even our huMom is jealous of your lake. Our compliments to the photographer, she made woo look furry handsome and regal next to your lake.

We have enjoyed reading your blog and we will continue!

WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe

Marigold said...

Congratualtions! But no, no thank you on the bacon. Got Peanuts???

Flurry and Aja said...

Woo hooo congratulations! I don't think our humom has even managed 10 blog posts but that's ok because she spends the time on us instead!

Love your new home and woooo rooo you do look handsome Turbo.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Congrats Tubey!!!!! Dat is jest pawsome. Love da new digs woo has der? Is woo plannin' on lots of fishin'?

We be celebratin' wid special cupcakes instead of cheese and bacon.

Husky kisses,

Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo there Tubey~
Mi Mummi said she was furri proud to be able to help with this historic 1,000th post. Woo look pawesumm mi furiend!!
Your pal,

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy 1,000 Tubey! Did you know you were the first ever visitor to my blog and you inspired me to keep going?

Khady Lynn said...

Congrats Unkey Tubey!!! You are an inspiration to us all!

We really like the pics! It was so nice of my good friend Summi's mummi to help out. I'm glad you all had such a nice visit too!

Now, on toward the next 1000!

Khady Lynn

Jack & Moo said...

Congrats on your 1000th!!! And a big thank-woo to your mom, cause she helped our mom get started blogging.... other wise, we might never have met! A-rooos!

Jack a-roo & miss moo

Jack & Moo said...

PS - Woo look pawsome standing there by Lake Tubey -- what a great place to call your own!
Now... for the cheese and bacon....

Fred said...

Hooray! Congrats! And hear-hear!

The Army of Four said...

Congratulations, Tubey!!! And you certainly ARE looking mighty magnificent!

Tierre Williams said...

Yay! As a blogger...well, FORMER blogger (blame social networking), I would like to say congrats on number 1000!

How Sam Sees It said...

Congratulations! Those are some lovely pictures!


Mimi said...

Wow what an amazing number of posts!

Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.

We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!

Nubbin wiggles,

FiveSibesMom said...

Congrats on the 1,000th post! Woos to you! Beautiful pics too!

FiveSibesMom said...

Wow! 1,000...amazing! Congratulations on such an achievement! What types of things have you noticed that have changed since 2006? What do you like best?

Good luck in your new home - looks beautiful!

Bacon sounds very, very good right now....

FiveSibesMom said...

Sorry about two posts - didn't realize until today that half of my post never made it up the last time! But, so nice to chat!

Peppy Sheppys said...

Grrrrrreat post! A fine celebration of 1000 posts!

We will not miss those Buffalos much and agree that the Big 8 was better!

Now...off to find some bacon.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrrr

LailaSmith01 said...

Aw love the pictures...Your dog really doing good...Congratulation!!!

dog pens

Donna said...

I is very glad! Congrajumashuns!! :)

Marigold said...

Turbo, my friend! What has happened to you???

Your goat friend, Marigold

Brad Fallon said...

Congratulations and keep it up! Way the go turbo?! :)
Brad Fallon

Unknown said...

Heartiest Congratulations on 1000 number. and your photos are simply awesome and makes me somehow jealous.
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Anonymous said...

Hi!Handsome congratulation ,you looking gorgeous, keep it up...

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lildogomine said...

Congrats on reaching 1000 Turbo, I know your paws are barking. Check out this new site I found http://www.k9stud.com/viewalldogs.aspx