
So, that stupid Lex is scared of Spring. I don't know what it is about it that scares him, but he'll try to hide from Spring. Of course I yell at him and tell him that he is stupid, but that doesn't help him. And it ends up causing me into my box.
Today's picture was taken when I was in my box. Meepie and Roo Roo tried to get Lex to play to take his mind off of Spring, but he just lies there doing nothing.
We haven't had much of a spring around here... in Los Angeles it's already 90 degrees! It's CRAZY...
We usually don't get much spring here either. It goes from cold to hot, boom!
For instance, a week and a half ago we had a blizzard. Today it was 80! Nuf said.
Wow, I can see that Lex's diet hasn't been going too well! Maybe Lex is scared about wearing a bathing suit?
Right now it's a nice 81 degrees in the Richmond area.
Oh my gosh, come to my blog to see what spring did at my house!
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