I'm in the process of visiting all the Dogs With Blogs Blogger's Blogs. I'm making lots of new friends and will be added some new links this weekend.
I wanted to call your attention to just one of the fantastic blogs I've visited lately. His name is Russell and he's a Shar Pei. He answers lots of questions on his blog, so stop by if you want to learn something.
I learned something about Russell, however. I think he's an inventor. I found that there is a brand of pen named after his breed!

That Russell is a kill! Thanks for featuring him. I had NO IDEA those writing utensils were named after his breed. Cool.
Goob love,
we love russell!!!
wowie! so thats how they get all those lines in theyr face. i never knew that it wuz a sharpei marker!
How funny....we'll have to go visit Russell...
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
I visited Russell. He is quite a handsome fellow. I thinbk he needs an iron for all those wrinkles.
I had no idea those pens were named after him!!
Making new friends is so much fun. I have never met a Sharpei.
Hiya-Woo Tubey,
Russell seems like a great watch-doggie! What a hoot. Hey, anytime you want to come over & help Juneau & I excavate & dig our backyard you are more than welcome. Bring the gang. We'll party - or as much as mommy lets us! Daddy started to fill in some of our holes (sigh). Maybe we can dig to China & meet some other doggie friends.
Wow, I have seen some of those pens in my mom's purse. Did you know they came in lots of colors. Wow, those Sharpei's sure are cool to have cool pens!
You are super funny. We like the pen and the reference to your new friend. :)
There was a Shar Pei at the dog park last night and he chased me a couple of times. I wanted to play more but at least he let me walk around with him. Overall, a nice pup.
What a beautiful dog! That's saying a lot, coming from me, mr king of scared-of-big-dogs! Though I do tolerate the Irish Wolfhounds at the park pretty well (it took me 2 months of seeing them every day to stop going beserk when I saw them!). Anyway, I love your blog!
you're silly. mom says not to color with his sharpei because it never comes off
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