So, that's what's going on this week! The blue ones are the teams that have finished their season. So they didn't play football this week. 1 team didn't play, but is not finished with their season; that would be the Washingtons.
Both the Connecticuts and the Northeasterns were victorious. They beat the fighting irishes and the rams respectively. The Northern Illinoises, unfortunately, were not victorious against some bobcats.
That's all I have on the sports front. Tune in to this blog in a couple days for an important political announcement.
In the mean time, here's me:

I'm wondering if we should worry about the UKhonn Huskies beating The Little People...
PeeEssWoo: Looking furward to your announcement...as long as woo are fur khanine healthkhare, I'm there!
Wooo - Bully Sticks in every dog run, belly rubs on demand, the best food put on the very front edge of kitchen counters, humans staying off our couches - we so can't wait to see the promises.
We is rootin' fur Bloom Huskies!!!!!
Hmmmmm, what could dat announcement be???We bee waitin' to hear.
Husky kisses,
It is no wonder the UW is having such a hard time. With all this wind it has to be hard to hang on to the ball.
Does that mean Saskatchewan won?
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