This is what I look like at this point of the Husky Football League season:

There were only 4 games this weekend. The Saskatchewans did not win their playoff game against some dinosaurs from Calgary. They played for the Canada West final in Saskatooooooooooooooon. The dinos score just 1 more point than the Huskies! (I did learn that for some reason in Saskatchewan, hooded sweatshirts are called "bunnyhugs.")
The Northern Illinois improved their record to 7 wins and 3 non-wins against some cardinals (the bird, not the color).
The Washingtons did not win against some ducks!
The Northeasterns did win against some pride! And they did it by just 1 point.
The Connecticuts had a weekend of non-playing football, but they play next week.
Sadly, the Turbo-Colored Huskies of Bloomsburg and the Michigan Techs are finished for this season. That is why they are now shown in blue.

PeeEssWoo: My word is MOOSPRE
You look so lost in thought. I think you should claw your human or yell at Lex.
Oy. And against ducks. How embarrassing.
For some reason, we have never done battle with dinosaurs, but ducks we can chase into the water. Well, except for that big one that turned and hissed at us and spread its wings, but that was cheating and we really didn't go the other direction. No really.
Maybe woo will get some real snow soon & that will cheer woo up. That always cheers up huskies.
a-roos & woos,
jack n' tori
Has your human offered you livergreat for looking so sad?
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