Lost and found husky mystery baffles police
14th September 2006 09:43:42 AM
A PEDIGREE Siberian husky went missing from a Cranbourne house on Friday only to be found in Seaford on Sunday.
Police said the dog's disappearance was mysterious and the owners believed the dog had been stolen.
The grey and white pedigree dog, worth $1000, was chained and locked to the bumper bar of a car in the front yard of the Fairbairn Road property.
The chain was long enough to give it access to the front garden area.
Some time between 9am and 11am on Friday, the dog, called Sky, went missing - chain, lock and all.
Police said it would have been impossible for the dog to get itself free.
On Sunday the dog turned up in the front yard of another house in Seaford.
Police asked anyone who may know of suspicious circumstances surrounding the dog's disappearance to contact the officer in charge at Cranbourne Uniform on 5991 0600.
Okay, I think it's stupid that the humans chained the dog to the bumper of the car, but I'm not going to go into that. As we all know, what is impossible for a dog to get out of is NOT impossible for a husky to get out of! Obviously this Houdini Husky took off with the chain & lock. The humans are lucky that the husky didn't also take the car!
I have no photos of this husky, so here's one of Meepie:

The article says "chain, lock and all", I just assumed he must have pulled the car away as well or a least the bumper. Stoopid human deserved to have the bumper of their car pulled off for leaving him chained outside.
Humans are so stupid to think that a husky can be contained!
My Mom tried to put me in my crate today (yes their still doing it after my little incident the other night) and I jump on the bed next to my crate and was heading for the window before Mom stopped. I wasn't really going to go through the window (it is on the second floor) but I wanted to keep her on her toes.
It's important we do things like this. It helps keep our humans nimble.
What kind of a maroon would chain a Sibe up to a car bumper? I don't know where this place is, but he should be inside where it's air conditioned!
On the other paw, great pic of Meepie!
Tail wags,
To answer your question, Storm, a STUPID maroon!
Meepie says thanks for the compliment.
I think we should post a letter to the editor to suggest that the moron owner tie the chain around his neck, and that way he could see how the husky escaped... then we'll hide behind a bush and throw a cat out.
Beagles are fairly good escape artists too, not with strength, just crafty.
Hey Turbo, You're right. The dog should have drove off with the car. Meepie is cute. :)
~ fufu
I think Meeshka's got a great idea!
Tail wags, Storms
PS: Tubey - make sure you read our blog today!
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