The photo on the right is of Meepie on the couch and Roo Roo on the floor. My Human noticed the dogs in this position and when she went into the room, she saw that Roo Roo had her snout in the blanket. So my Human picked up the blanket and a mouse jumped out! Sadly, we didn't get to play with the mouse and my Human washed the blanket before we could smell it.
I want to talk about the stupid mouse for a moment. That is some STUPID mouse! We have 6 huskies in the house and a bunch of stupid cats outside.
that has got to be the stupidest mouse ever! and wut is up with peepol trying to "set the mouse free" or "let it live outside" anyway? dont they know that mouses just want to live in houses and eat all that good food? the only solution is chomp! chomp! mouse gone!
my randy tried to let a mouse go outside once. he and his friend trapped it in a box and drove it far away and let it go... and as soon as it wuz out of the box a bluejay swooped down and ate it! ha ha!
Ha ha ha! That's funny! Good for that Jay!
We once had a mouse come into our house too. The two stupid Samoyeds just watched it run across the floor as if to say "wonder what that was." But me and Sam went after if to see if we could catch it. Mom yelled at us though cuz she didn't want us to kill it. She ended up catching it in a towel as it tried to run up the curtains and she let it go outside over the fence. Eventually it came back and this time dad cought it. It didn't go over the fence this time. It went into one of those white plastic bags!
Turbo, there's a mouse in your home??
~ fufu
Hey, Tubey-
My old female human is the Most Fierce Mouse Hater ever, and she has killed many mice. I think she must have been a terrier in a past life. Those dumb mice just think they can leave the woods and fields and move right in. Even with 9 Siberians patrolling the yard! Then they meet Old Female Human. Their doom for sure. Mice are dumb. They try to eat our precious dog food, and Midnyte Snack the horse's food, too.
Funny thing is, my human thinks pet rats are great. She just hates wild mice.
I'm very sorry you didn't get to dispatch the mouse. What fun that would have been!
Miss Stella
Hey, Tubey-
My old female human is the Most Fierce Mouse Hater ever, and she has killed many mice. I think she must have been a terrier in a past life. Those dumb mice just think they can leave the woods and fields and move right in. Even with 9 Siberians patrolling the yard! Then they meet Old Female Human. Their doom for sure. Mice are dumb. They try to eat our precious dog food, and Midnyte Snack the horse's food, too.
Funny thing is, my human thinks pet rats are great. She just hates wild mice.
I'm very sorry you didn't get to dispatch the mouse. What fun that would have been!
Miss Stella
Hey Tubey: Are you sure it was a mouse? Maybe it was Fu Fu, coming for a visit! Ha rooooo!
Play bows,
You guys! We have only a little more than a month to complete our training exercises and you know how important it is to pass the mouse in the house exercise!!!! You were suppose to kill the mouse and plop it on the sleeping humans! Did you not get HULA training manual #3?
Meeshka, I apologize. But in my personal defense, I was actually outside when this happened. You can blame Meepie and Roo Roo though!
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