
Fargo has a sore foot. He won't let me take care of it, though. He's been licking one of his pads a rear paw and now it is raw. So he's limping. Poor Cowboy.
My Human is okay from her fall, but she's still a bit achy.
I'm fine, though. And that's all that really matters.
Oh, no! Poor Fargo! What happened? Please tell him I said, "HEEL!" Hee hee hee! Maybe that joke will help him feel better!
We hope Fargo gets better! We have snow at our house, so hopefully you have some too and that will surely make him feel good!
Steve and Kat
Awwwww, poor Fargo! Maybe he needs some Paw Wax. My mom puts that on my paws in the winter and summer to help keep my pads from cracking.
I hope your human feels better!
Poor Fargo, maybe he needs a cone. I have two I can send over!
My paw is feeling better. Thanks for all your concern, everydog.
Whoo! That's good news, Fargo.
At least everything is okay with Turbo. That is all that matters.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Poor Fargo! Maybe your human should put a bootie on him so he can't lick it.
Hope your human feels better soon. That's no fun to fall on ice!
poor fargo! i hope he dozent get a bootie on his foot. my peepol are always putting booties on my feets wen they get hurt and i just hate that!
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