
My Human would like to make this post:
Niki came to live with me a couple years ago after her previous human passed away. She was 12 at the time.
Last night Niki's health deteriorated. She had trouble walking and seemed not to be able to see. I monitored her health during the night and by morning she seemed to be back to the Niki I knew.
But when I got home from work and Niki wasn't at the window I knew that one way or another it was time for Niki to meet her previous human at the Rainbow Bridge. When I got in the house she was standing, but I could tell that she couldn't see. I offered her a treat, but she couldn't find it. I offered her a bowl of water, but she tried to bite it. So Niki and I took a trip to see Dr. Debbie. They are very nice there. They came out to my truck and sent Niki on her trip from it.
Fare well, Niki. I'm sure you and your previous human Don are catching up on lots of things.
December 08, 1992 to June 19, 2008
Run free - without one of those stinkin' leashes Niki -
Make sure you tell Don what a wonderful life woo had in Kholumbia MO with Tubey and Khompany -
It takes a lot of love to let us go - that shows how special Tubey's mom must be -
Dr. Turbo-08
Lots of hugs and nose licks to you, your pack and your mom. She did what was best for Niki even though it was difficult. I'm sure Niki is running free of pain and reunited with her previous human.
sad woof's Tubey and family...sooo sorrwy on the loss of Niki...RIP and haff fun at the bridge...
a sad,
angel lacylulu
and their mama..
I am so very very sad. You had a long, wonderful life, with BOTH your families. May you now be with your former owner, and be happy and free again. And, may you meet your second mom, one day again.
Wear your silver harness with great pride Niki!
We're so, so sorry to hear this news. May she wear her Silver Harness with pride and happiness.
Much love,
Maryann & The Brats
We are so sorry to hear this very sad news.
Lots of love and licks from Me, Stupid Opy, Mum and Dad.
Luv C$
Run Free sweet Niki - you will be missed.
Sad hugs....
We are so sorry for your loss :(
Sorry to hear that. May Niki be happy at the bridge.
We are sorry for you loss.
Run free and healthy Niki. Say hi to old guy-guy Nova and his beautiful Nikki across the bridge for me.
Meeshka, Sam, Loki
Feeling sorry for the loss of Niki, and hoping that she's having a jolly good time over there...
Enjoy doggie heaven, Niki.
Steve and Kat
This is very sad, and we are very sorry. We hope you all are finding consolation in one another. We'll be thinking of you.
Tubey, please give your human lots of extra love for a while, OK? She made a really, really hard decision. Even though it was the right decision for Niki, it's still sooo hard.
Your human was so incredibly kind to take Niki in when she lost her person, and she was also kind last night to help her back to him.
God's blessings on you, your human, your pack ... and on Niki's spirit as she runs healthy and free.
Maybe a day or two of not yelling AS much at That Stupid Lex is in order...just to let your human process some things. She did the best thing possible for Niki, and Niki is in a very happy place now.
We're thinking about all of Woo,
The Rasta Boyz
Run free and wear your silver harness with pride, Niki. You had a wonderful second home where you were loved and a wonderful part of the pack. We will miss your beautiful face.
Woos, wags & wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
Sad wooos and heartfelt sympathies from our pack. She certainly got to live a long life and be loved by wonderful caring people. (((hugs))) to your pack.
~Star & Jack
So sorry to hear about Niki. Sending extra hugs and puggy kisses to all of you.
Love Clover xo
So sorry to hear about Niki. You were so nice to take her in, and now she can tell her other human all about you guys!
Take care, and I'll be thinking of you...
p.s. I just loved her crooked little smile!
We are so sorry to hear about Niki.
WOO WOO - I know everyone is sad to see your Niki leave this place but you know she is free running without any pain or suffering with her Dad, may you remember with joy all of the pleasure she bought to you.
love and kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
Des Moines, Iowa
Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge
Arwen and Raven
Soft woos for Niki. Godspeed sweet Niki. Wear your silver harness with pride and run free of pain. Enjoy your time once again with Don and watch over your family until they join you one day.
Sitka and Tia
(oh, and Cornelia Marie too)
We understand how hard it is to make that decision to help her to the bridge. Find comfort in knowing that Niki is running free and can see clearly now.
Slurps to all who are gracious enough to help Niki to leave this world peacefully.
Many tears and prayers from our house to yours.
howling from the deck to help you find your way to the bridge and your beloved Don.
wear your silver harness with much pride Niki.
We're so sorry to hear this very sad news!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, I'm so sad to hear this.
Take care,
That's such a sad, but sweet story. I'm sure Niki was so happy to have spent her last two years with you and even happier to be reunited with Don.
Oh no, we are so sorry to hear this sad news.
Take care.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Good bye Niki! We will see you again!
Take care of yourself and your family, Turbo!
We're so sorry to hear about Niki. Thank you for giving her such a loving home.
May Niki wear her silver harness proudly!
Sad woos, KA
So sorry to hear about Niki. My humans and I will be praying for all of you to find comfort.
I'm very sorry to hear about Nikki. I'm glad you were there for her until it was her time to reunite with her previous owner. Hugs and kisses to all of you!
Aw, man. I am so sorry for your loss, you guys. :(
Take care.
Niki we hope you are catching up with Don and enjoying your new life.
Turbo and family, we are very sorry to hear that Niki crossed the Rainbow Bridge. May the memories of her warm your hearts forever.
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