Zim of the esteemed Army of Four posted about their collars. I made a comment about my collar and was thusly requested to show my collar. In the spirit of generosity I decided to show all of our collars.

Roo Roo's




And Fargo's

We all wear Lupine collars. One of the benefits (to humans) of Lupine collars is that if they get chewed up, the store the collar came from will replace it for free. My Human has had to replace more than one collar over the years...mostly Meepie's.
Those are all cool collars. Lucky came with the same collar Niki has.
Thanks for visiting my new site!
WOW, those are COOL, Tubey! I like yours best - I like the lizards! Ammy likes Roo Roo's. Kind of the cool cosmic thing. They're all great! Thanks for showing your collars! And for the hyperlink to them!
Play bows,
PS: The Ao4 Troopers badge looks great!
Turbo, you've been tagged! See my latest blog post for details.
we just got new collars this weekend! we will have to post about them later this week. Your collars are super colorful!
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