My poop is much, much better. I appreciate your concern. My Human ended up with a poop problem, too. But she is also feeling much, much better. I went to the vet today. I now weigh in at around 50 pounds. I've packed on a few pounds of muscle since my last weigh-in. I'm a lean, mean Tubey machine!

Speaking of machines, that stupid Dyson has to go to the Dyson Hospital. It needs a clutch transplant.

I don't know exactly what happened to the stupid Dyson, but it might have eaten too many of the berries that Roo Roo brought in the house:

I'm glad you and your moms poops are all fine now. Must have been a nasty bug that infested both of you!
Bummer about the Dyson...NOT!
Meeshka is having problems with hers too. Wonder if they caught the same bug too! I wonder if it could infest ALL the dysons so then NONE of them will work! Wouldn't that be great!!!
We're glad you are feeling better and looking swell, too, may we add. Misty & Guinness are now sick with the bug, so it's all over!
I just got over the runs a few weeks ago and then yesterday I got them again (when I went on a walk with Kana I ate something and I wouldn't drop it so my Mom has no idea what it was...we think that is what made me get the runs again). Today is a new day and so far my poop looks good and not runny! I hate runny poop.
We're glad you are feeling better and your human too.
Good job breaking the stupid Dyson. Now your fur can really be everywhere!
Glad you're feeling better. How long is it going to be before your Dyson gets fixed? I hope a long time!
YAY the dyson is down for the count? is it dead?
Glad to hear you're feeling better, and good luck killing the Dyson!
I'm glad you and your Mom's poop is better. Nothing is worse than runny poop.
That's the third blog I've seen a broken Dyson on this week. Maybe I should take out ours too.
Hey... I lost a few pounds - maybe you found mine!
I'll leave a comment for Dyson.
Play bows,
Glad you guys are alright. Too bad the Dyson's not.
Glad your poops are better. You weigh in 2 more pounds than me. I felt kind of icky last night & did not want to eat. Threw up a little, but then I felt better. Daddy is home sick, too. Guess there is sumthing in the air going around. I just hope everyone else at yur place is OK. Hope mommy & Juneau stay healthy, too.
I was real sorry to read about your Mum and yours poop fest.
Nothing worse I say.
I hate the Evil Dyson with a passion, our Evil Dyson had a Poop Fest the other day, seems its filter was blocked up, and it pooped dog hair all over the floor!
Perhaps you and Your Mum's Filter was blocked??????
well it was a thought, love and diagnostic licks, Marvin xxxxx
To Turbo! and his Mama!
I hate runny poops!!!
I hate runny poops!!!
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