TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Husky Logo #23


Charlie sent me a picture of some tape to feature. Ta da!!!!

This is what the website says about them:

Husky Tape Converting is an Australian owned company importing, exporting and converting a comprehensive range of self adhesive tapes, tape dispensers and associated products for a diverse range of markets.

I'd much prefer buying Husky Tape to Duck Tape!


ranger said...

huskies are so popular!!! luuucky!


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We're everywhere! We're everywhere!

Aurora "Roo Roo" Borealis said...

I would really like to sink my teeth into this product!

IndyPindy said...

I wonder what they mean by "Husky tape converting"???

Does that mean converting other kinds of tape into Husky tape?

Anonymous said...

My Mum was wondering if it was a special tape to seal huskies mouths. Humm.... I did not like Mum's idea much!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Indy, maybe. I think it's weird, though.

Raisa, tell your Mum that she's being stupid!

Charlie - The Big Dog said...


I did notice they also had a special "Extra Strength" tape, and the picture on the front was a Lady with some of that extra strength tape on HER mouth - I can Fedex you a roll if you like Raisa:-)
