I wanted to talk about a product my Human found in the grocery store, but I can't find any information on it by googling...What is this mysterious product? Philadelphia® Cream Cheese Cheesecake Mix! It's sold in tubs the size of a normal Cool-Whip tub. It's more proof that humans have a desire to be lard asses.
My Human and her friend Large Oh think that if the KFC® company (aka Kentucky Fried Chicken®) sold deep fried chicken skin, they'd make even more money. No doubt they are correct!
So, because I don't have a picture of the cheesecake product, I'll subsitute a picture of Lex's upside down head. He's a lard ass, so a good substitute. My Human likes to say that both she and Lex gained weight after he was neutered.

Mmmmmm cream cheese! What more do you really need to know? My human's a lard ass too, just for the record. If she would just give me the food instead, everyone could be happy, but noooo. I want Cheetos! Macie
Macie, humans are too stingy! I want some Cheetos, too!
Cheesecake in a tube? Oh good lord. Its bad enough to find the fridge door open and the human woman sucking down a tube of cookie dough (and not sharing), now she'll be driving all over town looking for this cheesecake tube, no doubt telling all of her lard ass friends.
I'm in favor of cookie dough & cheesecake inside a Tubey, though!
I'm in favor of cookie dough & cheesecake inside a Tubey, though!
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