
I discovered yesterday that thunder is Lex's fault!!! How do I know this? I was just laying around, keeping my eye on Lex and it thundered! The sound came from his direction, so it had to be his fault. I stood up to growl at him and let him know that I found this very inappropriate.
Of course my stupid Human didn't like this. She never likes it when I point out that Lex is being stupid. So I promptly was escorted to my box.
Perhaps Lex eats too much baked beans to make thunders like that? ;)
Wow, you are so smart to figure that out Tubey!
wow! you were just being so helpful and you got sent to your box? how not fair is that!
Raisa & Zim, Lex is full of beans!
Indy, thanks!
Ivy, what can I say? Humans are stupid and don't know help when they see it!
Hey Tubey,
Sent to the box for pointing out the thunder problem. I understand! It's so unfair. Tolkien can "thunder it up" when Mom changes our dog food.
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