My good friend Cosmos gave me a tip that there was a website called TurboVision and that I should check into it for potential legal action.
I am on the case! I looked at their website. Can you believe it? It doesn't have anything to do with ME! It's some stupid website that people can go to watch some TV programming and stupid stuff like that. Of course I have my own TV channel called the Turbo Channel.
So, I hopped in my dirigible and floated to the big city.

I found their building and went on in.

You should have seen the look of surprise on their faces when they saw me! It was as if they'd never seen a dog before!

Tomorrow I will tell you about my meeting that I had with some stupid human there.
But Tuesday is primary day in Ohio, Texas, Vermont, & Rhode Island. And it is also a very important holiday. So I'll conclude my TurboVision story after that.
Tubey, we need to get a hold of that blimp. Think of the out-reach you could manage with that kind of sky coverage!
Hey... was that one babe giving you a cookie or something?
Play bows,
Can't wait to hear how the story ends!
Woo woo, KA
Be sure spend LOTS of time in Vermont - Khabot Khreamery is there - they make
Wowzers, you are one busy pup! You've posted a lot lately and it was fun to scroll down and catch up. We loved your trip to Switzerland. :) Hopefully you didn't get your tongue stuck on the sports car.
I prefer Turbo Channel over TurboVisio.
I'm sure they were all stuffed by your handsome face and regal ways, the way the next Prez should act!
I'm sure they were impressed!
It's March 3, and I seem to remember today being your barkday!
Have a Wonderful birthday tomorrow!!!!! Hope you get spoiled with treats and kisses. Can I email you a birthday card? My email is
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