My Human doesn't have to go to work today, so we will have her to entertain us. We overheard her telling a friend that she is going to take Niki to have her toenails trimmed. All of the rest of us allow the Human to perform this task on us, but Niki has feet issues. If you touch Niki's feet, you risk having her bite you.
My Human is also going to buy us more food. Maybe Cheez-Its, too.
Wow! Sounds like fun having your human at home!
I consider myself a lucky dog: grandma and grandpa are retired, so they are almost always at home.
My Mummy is a translator and works from home, so whenever she needs to relax a little she comes to the yard and plays football (think u say soccer in US) with me.
God (my owner) is the only one who just can be with me in the evenings and weekends.
Does your Mummy translate Huskiese to Portugese to English and back again?
That's a great picture with all of you in it! It must be fun (most of the time) to have so much company all of the time. Even though my mom stays home full time, and sometimes my dad works from home, I still get pretty bored, they have a hard time keeping up with me all of the time and tire easy...I just don't understand...running for hours doesn't tire me out! And with no brothers or sisters yet (of the 2 legged or 4 legged kind)I am the only one!
I often wish that I was the only dog in our family. And I tell the others that LOUDLY!!! She is my Human, I just let the others look at her.
So glad you convinced the human to stay out of the picture. Why mess with husky perfection?
Good point, Woof Woof.
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