Fargo has an ear infection. Have you ever noticed that those stupid ear infections come on so quickly that it's a surprise to the humans? If my Human had asked me, I could have told her that it was going to happen. Fargo's ear started having that special yeasty smell.

As I mentioned
earlier, I'm studying medicine under Meepie's tutelage. I think that I'm going to specialize in the field of otolaryngology.
Cool! Make sure you make them add an "ENT" after your name on your registration papers!
It is hard getting patients who are willing to stay put during the procedures.
Just make sure that you don't "catch" anything from future patients! Being sick is no fun, as I'm sure Fargo will tell you!
Hi Ender. I'll be careful. Fargo has been telling me to "back off." But I'm the King of Ear Cleaning and I've got to do what I've got to do!
Yeah right Fargo. Ear infection schminfection. Pretending not to hear the humans. I call that "being a Siberian Husky."
Could be. Fargo likes ignoring me, too!
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