TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tara's New Blog

Tara is a Siberian Husky who lives in British Columbia. Her human saw some of our photos on our Flickr site and inspired Tara to create her own blog, Dogging It. One thing this world definitely needs is more dogs (in general) and huskies (in particular) who blog.

She said that Lex is who inspired her to get the blog.

An update on Koda. He is back with his humans. And someone over at Sibernet squealed so now my Human knows that Koda was on his way over to my house for the big party I was throwing!

In other news, here's another picture of me looking at Lex!


Anonymous said...

Cool! Another dog blog!!! That's really great! You could invite your friend to join our ring!
I am back to blogging since I helped Mummy to chase all those deadlines!
Licks :P

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Hi Raisa. Glad you took care of those stupid deadlines. I gave Tara the link to the husky blog thingie.

PetraZ said...

Thanks for the husky blog thingie. I am learning a few new tricks with the HTML which must be an acronym for Husky Territory Marking Language. It makes way more sense than the writing on the newspaper that my human leaves for me when she goes to her stupid job.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

You're welcome, Tara. I like your clarification on HTML!