TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


This photo is one of Fargo's favorites. And this is why he got the nickname "Cowboy." My Human took Fargo to get his picture taken around Halloween (Howloween?) in 2001. He got this picture taken the same weekend that he tested for and got his Canine Good Citizen certificate.

Fargo is a good dog in public, but he has a really ornery side in private. If I'm in my box and my Human tries to go get some attention from Lex, the ever vigilant Fargo will sneak up on her and bite her butt. Not enough to hurt, but enough to startle her.


Ender said...

Watch out...soon Fargo will insist that he stars in one of those western movie things, and take all of the attention!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Yes. I try to keep him in check.

Anonymous said...

Are you also having problems with images stored at Flickr today? I wonder if Flickr is down, as I cannot enter the site and pics stored there refuse to appear :(
Licks :P

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I've been having problems with Blogger not displaying text occasionally. I haven't noticed a Flickr problem, though. There doesn't seem to be one now.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps there is something wrong here in Brazil, then. A friend of Mum was saying that it seems that there is a problem a major Brazilian backbone... Perhaps some dog has burried it somewhere?

Anonymous said...

After a long day without being able to see pictures and not even checking Fifa's official site, finally I can see Fargo's picture!!! The pic is really nice.
Did Fargo ate the pumpkins after taking the pic? I like pumpkins quite a lot!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We've never had pumpkin. Maybe we should.