Fargo's kind of weird when he is given something new to eat. He will carefully smell it. Then he may take it to be polite, but he will only eat it if it meets with his approval. He did not like watermelon.
Speaking of treats, Lex had to go to the vet yesterday. He said that the vet told my Human that he has to go on a diet. He also said that the vet and my Human talked about me being "newtered." Is that when a dog gets turned into a newt? I don't know if I like that. Lex laughed at me when I asked that. So I stomped my foot and yelled at him!

When I got Turbo, I was going to have him be a show dog, but he didn't develop quite like I expected him to. I haven't neutered him yet because of his seizure disorder. I may do this now, however. I'm weighing the risks of anesthesia. Our vet does not live very far from us, so if there was an emergency after Tubey was home, she should be able to come here in a hurry.
"Newt-ered" means going into politics and then leaving in disgrace. Your mom will know who I mean. As far as being carried by your human in one of these things , I think they come in XXL, but you'd have to check. You're mom would need a really stong back to carry YOU around. LOL.
With all due respect,
I don't think I have the temperment for politics. I'd have to get over my habit of telling everyone when I think they're "stupid."
I really don't think there should be a problem with my Human carrying me around.
Hey, don't eat the watermelon seeds. You don't want to be a melon husky.
I guess Lex ate some watermelon seeds a while ago and that's why he needs to go on a diet now!
Both Lex and my Human gained weight when Lex got neutered!
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