There's this company in Winfield, KS that calls itself Husky Liners. They make all sorts of liners to put in cars, trucks, etc to protect them from damage.
But I don't have much to say about them. Why? Well, because they don't have a picture of a husky anywhere in their website. I even looked through all of the pages of the Google Image Search to find a "Husky Liner" logo with a husky in it. No joy! Stupid company! I think I'm going to ask the Army of Four to look into it.
Roo Roo wanted me to tell you that my Human's car has a husky hair liner throughout it. It keeps the dust from the gravel road in check.
Hey Turbo, maybe a these so called "Husky Liners" just means that there is a husky "in " the back of the truck bed and he got tired so he layed down to "line" the truck? Whatever...
Maybe. But couldn't they have had a picture?!
Because of all the hair in our Human's car, she doesn't have to take people for rides!
I got to ride in the car today. I left some fresh hair.
Yeah, but you had to go to the vet.
You ALL have profiles and blogs?! How cool is that...or maybe un cool cuz now you have to share the computer! Any idea on what that d. animal is saying yet, do we need to find a dyson medium?
I don't know if the other dogs will have blogs. They all just wanted to have the ability to comment on things.
I don't really care what the Dyson says. It's stupid and loud!
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