Tuesday evening, however, our house was alive with stupidity. Lex tried to catch a big stupid horse fly that was near my Human. You just can't have that sort of thing happen, so I yelled at Lex and clobbered him a little. Then Meepie clobbered me. Then my Human decided to stick me in my box for a while. Lex whined a lot and the other dogs got all excited. I cried because it was just so unfair that everyone else was having a good time without me!
Niki was all freaked out because she thought she heard some thunder or something stupid like that. She got in the bathtub and ended up poking her toenails through the shower curtain liner. The curtains and rod fell into the tub and Niki got all tangled up in it. It was just the stupidest thing ever!!!
And that stupid Lex...well, you know!!!!
Holy Moly Tubey, that is a lot of mayhem! It's been doing that wet thing here for the last few days too & hot, all good reasons to stay inside in the air! Malechai wnats to know what RooRoo was doing during all the stupidness.
Face Licks, M&M
Well, Roo Roo scolded me at first. Then she picked on Lex when he was trying to get attention from my Human.
Turbo, you're going to have to take control, and stop all that chaos.
We've had lots of rain here, too, and I don't like it one bit.
Sasha, I hear you and agree.
Lots of rain is very stupid!
Turbo, I can't stand that wet stuff, especially wif the loud noises & flashing light thing in the sky. The wet stuff makes my fur feel yucky. It can make all good doggies do crazy things when all of that happens outside. I added you to our friends site on mommy's blog page so we can talk some more.
Woos, Cosmos
Great! I'll be updating my links this weekend!
So you human was totally unfair to you by putting you in your cage! Why are you the only one punished?
I sure wish you would send some of that rain up here. We are dry as a desert and all the grass is turning brown and it's crunchy under my feet.
I am sending you some rain, Holly. As a special thank you for the big yellow cuz!
wowie! niki jumping into the evil bathtub sounds like a reelly bad idea and it sure turned out bad. i dont think i wud ever get in the tub all by myself.
i hope you get things under control at your house soon.
Ivy! If my Human was evil, she would have hosed Niki off in the tub while she was there.
Wow, the drama!
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