At one point the huskies on the picture thing were running. I wanted to get there before them, so I took off. I even decided to leave my toilet paper tube I was destroying on the floor. But when I got back, it was gone. I don't want to point paws, but I think that one of the Alaskan Huskies on the show must've taken it. I know it couldn't have been a Siberian Husky!

The show was on at our house too. My favorite part was when Shadow the rescue/recovery husky got to go rappelling up a 3-story building. She looked much calmer than I would have expected a Siberian husky with zero paws touching the ground to look!
I think Shadow's experience help a lot, but she was probably fairly calm to begin with.
That movie, "Eight Below" about huskies in Antartica, is coming out on DVD this week. Ask your human to get it for you, and if she doesn't, order it anyway using her credit card. I am sure it's hours of fun, and you'll want to replay it over and over again. It will at least help you forget about the hot weather.
We've seen "Snow Dogs." Roo Roo likes the police dogs on "Cops."
My verification word today is EWOOF!"
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