I will answer this question. I attended Ann Gafke's Teacher's Pet in Columbia, MO.
When my Human** went to Mizzou, she encountered many St. Louisans. One of the most stereotypical was one who would also ask questions like, "So, how much did your

Another thing about St. Louisans is that where my Human would pronounce the word "fort" and "fart" differently, a human from St. Louis would pronounce them both as "fart." So, "fark" = "fork;" "shart" = "short;" etc.
But a "woo" is still a "woo" world wide.
**Please note that my Human has her own peculiarities. She is essentially an educated hillbilly from the north Ozarks.
My human says Central York High Skhhool
York PA
Just another example of people being stoopid!
Boy, those St. Louisans talk funny! Our mom and dad had to learn a whole new language when they moved to the South. It was like a whole 'nother country! They learned that any kind of soda is Coke and many other weird words.
Poppy & Penny
Mom just asked her coworker, who is from an hour outside of St. Louis, to say "fork". She wouldn't do it. They she yelled at Mom for making fun of her.
Grandma human woman says Tayger... not Tiger. She also says Slim Perkins, not Slim Pickens. Grandma human woman is from Nebraska, where the Wizard of Oz takes place, and unfortunately has not been wiped out by tornados, but should be.
I went to Saint Louis University as an undergraduate and learned a LOT about St. Louis high schools while I was there. That question may be stupid, but in a town famous for frozen custard, you can't get too critical. It may not be cheese and bacon, by Ted Drewes is worth a little social posturing, right?
Kathryn, Ted Drewes is a very good thing. Or so I've heard as my Human does not share things like that!
Instead of saying wash, do they pronounce it worsh? My moms mom and step dad was worsh instead of wash and they live in Illinois.
Humans are so strange sometimes!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
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