TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Friday, April 14, 2006

Night of a Thousand Bugs

Because it was hot last evening, my Human left the doors wide open. This was an invitation for thousands of bugs to come in and fly around my house, land on my carpet, and land on my Human. I didn't get to see all of the bugs up close because my Human stuck me in my crate because I was telling Lex that he was stupid. Aurora said that they didn't taste very good. Most of them were these little dark bugs about the size of a grain of rice. Meepie said that he didn't know for sure what they were, but said they were annoying. My Human tried to vacuum them up.

Ticks are stupid, too. We got some on us and brought them in the house. Our human had to get rid of those, too.

It's going to be hot again today. My Human has NOT put our pool out yet. I think we're all just going to sleep today.


Ivy said...

sleeping is a reely good idea, turbo. and i bet you were rite wen you told lex he was being stupid.

i hate ticks. they are icky. but my peepol hate ticks even more than me! one time a tick came in on me and got in my peepols bed. wen they went to get in bed, they saw the tick and OH MY DOG what a ruckus they made! there was yelling and running around and tearing off of sheets. those peepol stayed up for a long time tearing everything apart looking for ticks.

if only they asked me, i cuda told them that tick didnt have any friends, and thats why he wanted to come home with me.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Lex is stupid!

Ticks are even more stupid than Lex. The ticks kept getting on my Human and she kept getting rid of them.

When that stupid Lex was a puppy, he once fell asleep in the grass and a tick got stuck on his tongue! My Human had to get a vet to help get the tick off!

Anonymous said...

I love bugs... They are simply delicious!!!
Next time you have this problem, just call me and I will help you to get rid of all the bugs! YUMMY!!! :P

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

You will be on my speed dial, Raisa!

Ender said...

I wish that my parents could just put a bubble over the house and yard to keep the bugs OUT! Then it would also stay super cool!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Ender! I like that idea!

Woofwoof said...

You just have to use the bug swatter. Some people call that a fluffy tail, or a sleep mask.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Yes, the husky tail is a true multipurpose tool.