My normal dinner time is around 6:30pm, but last night I didn't get fed until 9pm! My Human's stupid excuse was that she blew a stupid tire driving home. She said that it happened in an area with no cell service, so she had to walk about half a mile to call for help. She ended up having to wait well over an hour for the tow truck. She discovered that the stupid jack was missing from her stupid car. She even complained that the tire blew in a place that a skunk had died and she said it stunk! She seemed to think this was a
bad thing!
I really think she could have, make that SHOULD have walked home. It was only about 3 miles away. Then she could have fed me relatively on time. And then she could have dealt with her stupid car and stupid tire!
I stomped my foot and yelled at her, but she didn't pay me any attention.
Late! How rude! Those humans eat all day long and do they ever think we might be hungry?! I only eat twice a day between 6-7 am and 2-4 pm...but I would like to eat all of the times my mom and dad eat, and what they eat too! When do you have breakfast?
Hi Turbo,
I can truly sympathise with you ! I hear you loud and clear ! Sometimes, when dad is away, mum goes to her sister's for dinner, and that means we don't get fed until she gets home - usually after 10pm ! How rude is that ! Do they still not realise that 4 legs are better than 2, and therefore we are far superior to them and they should obey our every command, especially when it comes to food !
Ender, it's a sad story here. My Human only feeds us once a day. We get treats during the day, but no breakfast, per se.
Opy, yes, you are right about our superiority. And we should be fed twice as often as the bipeds.
We'll come and stay with you if you have food. Roo Roo says she'll stay if you have fruit & cake.
My Human is too prissy to roll around naked on a dead skunk.
What a dumb excuse. None of this would have happened if the human went to work by dog sled. Never heard anyone have a flat husky.
We could pull it, too. It's a small car.
if your human wuzznt going to roll around on the dead skunk she shud have at least brot it back for you to roll in. that wud have almost made up for late dinner.
i think we shud start an online campaign for more meals for dogs. my peepol eat 3 times a day plus snacks and all i get is brekfest and dinner.
Ivy, let me know where to sign up for your campaign.
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