Roo Roo really thinks her cuteness is so irresistible to others that she can apply husky mind control whenever and wherever she decides too. A good example of this was when my Human's friend Large Oh was visiting last year for my Human's birthday. Large Oh had made a birthday cake. It was a white cake with cherry filling and chocolate chips. After the cake was finish, Large Oh and my Human were eating it in the living room. Roo Roo climbed up on Large Oh's lap and lay upside down to encourage belly rubs. Roo Roo was hoping that she was so adorable that Large Oh would set down her cake. Large Oh did find Roo Roo awful cute, but she liked her cake more. So, she stretched her arm out so that the cake was out of Roo Roo's reach. Roo Roo kept stretching her body and Large Oh kept stretching her arm. Ultimately, Large Oh won the battle and Roo Roo didn't get any cake.

hey hey tubey! i love those middle tubes from the toilet paper too! my peepol always call me when one is reddy for me to destroy and i take it a run off to chew it. mmmmmmmm... cardboard!
roo roo sounds like a reely smooth operator. i am glad she dozent live in my house and steal my tubes!
Hey Hey Ivy! Yeah Roo Roo is very smooth! She's a good Human trainer, too. She's trained my Human to give her toilet paper squares while the Human is on the toilet seat.
Happy, Roo Roo is sneaky & tricky, but she can be fun, too.
Why am I not surprised that Large Oh would deny a Husky her cake? You should all get together and teach her a lesson, that cakes are for dogs.
Woof Woof, you should hear her talk about denying us cheesecake!
She did share Raspberry Zingers with us, but I think she only did that so that we'd know what we were missing later.
Yup...I have tried that trick. Ufortunately, most humans eventually catch on...darn it!
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