Q: What are the 2 the stupidest things your Human has done that impacted you?
A: Thank you for that well thought out question. One night she forgot to feed us. She realized we hadn't been fed the next day when she emptied the dishwasher and found our bowls in it. She knew she hadn't washed the dishes the night before!
Then another night, she sort of woke up and let us go outside. Lex came back inside and my Human closed the door with the rest of us outside and went back to sleep. When she woke up that morning, she was surprised that Lex was the only dog inside!
Oh my dogness! My mom would have had a heart attack if she woke up and only one of us is there....Sky has a history of taking nightime joyruns (2 times in the first week we had him...none since)
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Ahhhhh - that is horrible!
Woo need to report her to Khanine Services
BTW - is your hu-mom that Spears 'lady'???
Woo khan khome live wiff me!
My human has never forgotten to feed us, thankfully! But, when she lived with just Samuel and Abby, and didn't have a doggie door, one night about 2 a.m., Sam decided he needed to go out and potty, so mom went back to bed to wait "a few minutes" for him to do his thing, but fell asleep instead!! When she woke up it was several hours later, and she about freaked out cuz they had been outside for so long!
My mom almost forgot to feed me dinner once, but then she remembered. Hmmm...then there is the current torture fiasco with the sock and my foot...come check out my blog and see what I am doing to get even!
My human woman does that to us every morning. Lets us out when the alarm goes off (Or I stomp on her, whichever comes first) then throws us outside. I've found that the scream of death is enough to get her up and running down the stairs to let us in again. I hope you punished her for her stupidity, especially that whole not feeding thing.
Oh Turbo, I don't know which is worse. What is wrong with your
hu-mom? You'all have to think of ways to get her back for these actions.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Woahhh Tubes...playing outside I can handle...but no dinner I cannot (when I'm not protesting stinky diseases puppy brothers). I think she should be perpetually punished by stealing her dinner. All the time.
oh dear, that looks so saad...
oh dear, that looks so saad...
I hope a lawsuit quickly followed these actions?
Oh no...that's just horrible. I hope she did some pretty special things to make up for them. (if there IS anything good enough)
Wow, are you sure your mom should be taking care of all of you? She sounds like she's barely able to take care of herself!
tube dude - you so totally need a dog door. the lock-you-out-all-night episode just proves it. if that works out for you i think you shud cam-pain for free and unfettered access to your dog food too. mmmmmmm.... i wunder if i cud get that for myself?
Woo Tubey, that's sum scary stuff, are woo sure woo aren't just making up stories to scare pups for Howl-o-ween week? No dinner? No way our humans could get away with that, we'd never let them forget, we're trying to figure out how to make them forget they fed us so we can get a second dinner every night!
Bama & the RHP
OOoo no dinner. We cannot imagine no dinner. Poor Tubes.
The Siberians of D'Azul
Gosh, I could handle the no dinner (my parents give me treats often...I just have to do the cute puppy look) but being left outside.....PHEW it's a good thing there are more of you. At least you can all entertain one another. Me...I would have been howling my head off.
Sometimes ya gotta wonder if they'd lose their heads if they weren't attached. I've been thee, too - no dinner... (howl in the world could she forget? SHE never forgets to eat!) We have a nice cushy kennel, so we get left out all night every night, but once she did go to a fancy shmancy dinner somewhere & forgot to close the gate! Lucky for her we were on good behavior that night....and that the neighbor came over & locked it.
Wooos and a-roooos,
Star & Jack
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