
There has been a war at the Turbo House. It is the Huskies versus the mice. The mice decided to infiltrate the house. They retreated from the outside

where feral cats patrol. They took up residence in the pantry. We've seen them scurrying around, going from the kitchen to the bathroom and back. My Human thoroughly cleaned the kitchen and discovered that none of her food had been broached...as far as she could tell.
We have had some success against the rodents. Roo Roo has killed 2, although Lex took one and tried to claim the victory as his. Then Lex killed 1 while I was outside surveying the parameter. But I feel the need to announce that my Human had to point it out to him.
For this operation I have been serving in the capacity of Commander in Chief.
Yo Khommander in chief!
Your khapacity is mouse khatcher and perimeter khonsultant!!
PA is boring - I miss ALL the fun!!!
Wags and Wuv,
Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08
Bout time that lazy Lex did some work! I assume your parameter guarding is what is skharing the stupid mice inside, where your troops can khatch them!! Great takhtikh!
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