Meepie decided he didn't want his collar any more on Friday evening. He chewed it off:

My Human got a little worked up about it, but I don't know why. Meepie gave it back 2 days later.
Anywoo, Meepie will be getting a new collar. We use the Lupine brand. My Human has been looking at them online to get an idea of what type to get. I think she should ask Meepie!
Here's the "before" picture of the collar & Meepie:

Are you sure it wasn't a certain MalGal from NE?
I mean, the khollar appears to have MOOSES on it??
I'm just sayin'
Was Meepie humming "Born Free" while the chewing was going on?
Misty the alpha Poodle
Um, could you have Meepie visit me? I've got one of those lupine collars too. Oh, I'm ok with the collar thing, but the print The Mom picked out has me quite worried.
Hummm... I wonder if someone forced Meepie to eat the collar???? Could that be a possibility?
wow talk about making a fashion statement!
That was a cute collar. Too bad you ate it. But, maybe you just wanted a new collar for the new year? :)
That's the exact same collar I got for Christmas!
Kisses, Sky boy
He ate the MOOSE collar!!!!! Now, that's just mean!
Maybe he needs one that's just tighter so he can't get his teeth around it.
And that's why we go nude. We only dress up in our stylish harnesses with our tags when we go out. All other times, we're complete nekked.
(I'm buck naked!!!!)
Clearly, Dr. Meepenstien wants one with the cadusis thingy on it, not mooses!
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