You may have also noticed that I was not at the debate between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama. That is okay. I am not a member of the Democrat party and that debate was for members of that party only. I am a proud member of Sibertarian wing of the Dogmacrat party.
I will be dazzling fans of debates after this primary season is over.
There has been some speculation on who my running mate will be. This is not a decision to be rushed into, and it will be determined at my pawty's convention this summer.
He knows NOT what he is missing -
ANYWAY, I've taken your advice and khhontakhted Katie Khourikh & Khompany -
The khlokhk is tikhking fur her -
ABC will be next - with NPR and CNN on the list as well -
We WILL get our message 'herd' by 'pakhking' our khause!
Hard at work for woo,
Political debates are not that exciting anyway. I'd rather hear some sensible pronouncements from you.
Huffle Mawson
p.s. I think you could appeal to even more people if you had a lovely black cat like me as your running mate. I support the Siberian way!
Tubey, the t.v. camera seems to love you!
Stephen Colbert is broadcasting from Philadelphia this week: maybe he'd book you instead.
Hi there Turbo! Since you were not allowed on the democratic debate, can we ask you questions about your opinions on dog treats, finding homes for dogs and belly rubs?
Elite media snob. He probably has a cat.
Play bows,
Turbo ~ you most likely were not invite to debates with Clinton and Obama because they knew you would run away with it!
I love your blog! You have so much ambition and I'm rooting for you all the way!
much love,
Hello, thank you for coming and visiting me....Good luck on your campaigning and all. Who is Clinton and Obama? I need to go talk to my mum, I'll be right back.......Wow, she said they were both unimportant humans and doesn't matter anyway, both will still take half her paycheck....Better not mention them anymore...She said she would vote for you!!!!
If they don't grab up your story, they will be sorry! You have so much more interesting things to say that those other candidates! And you are MUCH better looking too!
The media wouldn't know a good thing if they tripped up and landed head first in it..
when you ARE elected and Brian Williams is fawning at your feet and BEGGING for an exclusive interview you can ignore him (or pee on his expensive leather shoes.. your call) and show him what a worthless piece of media trash he is.. i am of course *assuming* he is some kind of media representative (since i have never heard of him) he can't be that important if his fame hasn't reached my shores..unlike you dear Turbo.. You are Internationally Acclaimed!!
Woo Woo
Ben xxx
Good luck, Turbo! I'll vote for you for sure! xoxoxo Dixie the Dog
If Dilly abol vote, Dilly vote Turbo!!
You deserve equal media time!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Good luck with your campaign Turbo. You look very impressive infront of the camera!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I can't wait to see you on TV!
~ Girl girl
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