My Human's father grew up in the Badlands of South Dakota. When he was 16 years old, he was wandering around on the ranch and found a bone. He knew enough to realize that it might be a dinosaur bone. Turns out it was. So the palentologist came and dug it up. At first it was identified as a brontosauraus, but later it was determined that it was some other type of similar dinosaur. My Human's father's family didn't get any money from the dinosaur.
The bones are shoved into some boxes in storage at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. I think they should give them to me!
Just another thing you'll take khare of when you are president!
Wags and Wuv,
Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08
We agree with you, if they aren't using them they should give them back. Humans are stupidly wasteful.
Good job in NH, you've got our vote when the primaries get to RI!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack
mmmmmmm. . . dinosaur bones.
Tubey, check out our blog when you get a chance: we paid homage to you and your sensibilities in our latest post.
ooh, I'm sure they would be all very tasty after being in the dirt all those years. Humans are stupid to store bones that should be chewed.
Now in a box is not any place for a bone! I bet that bone is ginormous! I wonder if it tastes like chicken.
WOo woo, Kelsey Ann
Mom wants to know if you are affiliated with that turbo tax stuff?
Bones should belong to those who enjoy them most. Put on display?? Pffftt.
I think they would make for a good long-lasting chew.
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