Our khampaign netted yet another vikhtory! The non-stoopid voters of Nevada rolled the dice and they khame up Tubey Eyes!
And here's some words from me...
Thank woo to all my supporters once again. It looks like the Tubey Train went over the Rocky Mountains and picked up momentum. I think it'll pick up more momentum as we cross again on our way to South Carolina! Woo!!
You are SOOO on a roll Mr Prez!
Just remember all I've tried to tell you - heading south to South Kharolina will expose you to an entirely different voter pool - and some perils along the way!
Please don't ruffle the feather of any of the lokhals!!
Another vikhtory is khlose to our paws!!!
Warm Wags and Wuv,
Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08
Oh Mr. Soon to be President...
Another victory sounds like an Ice Cream celebration!
Congratulations Tubey, was there ever any doubt?
Congrats Turbo! It sounds like you're definitely the lead dog in this race!
wowie! i want sum of those dice wif tubey eyes! it wud be so intimidating for your opponent to see those eyes staring up at them in a game.
good luck in south carolina. i hear that it helps if you drink sweet tea down there.
luv ivy
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